GLSL min函数文档说明. 在GLSL中,min函数用于返回两个数值中的最小值,并且适用于各种数据类型,包括浮点型、整型、布尔型和向量等。
GLSL 内建函数汇总原创
2020年2月7日 — min(x, y): 取最小值max(x, y): 取最大值clamp(x, min, max): min(max(x, min), max); 根据输入的x,返回介于min 与max 之间的值,当x < min时,返回min, ...
GLSL get minmax index of vec3
2023年8月25日 — I have written a function in GLSL that returns the min index (index 0 is the x component, 1 is the y component, and 2 is the z component) of a ...
Description. min returns the minimum of the two parameters. It returns y if y is less than x , otherwise it returns x .
min returns the minimum of the two parameters. It returns y if y is less than x , otherwise it returns x .
Description. min returns the minimum of the two parameters. It returns y if y is less than x , otherwise it returns x .
min() returns the minimum of the two parameters. It returns y if y is less than x , otherwise it returns x .
GLSL min vs branchless Min
2022年12月16日 — GLSL min compiles to branchless GPU instructions in most cases. So does if-else implementation of minimum, usually identical resulting code.